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Author: Čolić Dejan
Notifications V1.2 – JavaScript (OOP)
Animacioni plug-in za notifikacioni sistem poruka na Web aplikaciji. Animacioni plug-in prikazuje poruke u FIFO redu sa mogućnošću ukidanja poruka. Upotreba: messages = $(‘#message ul li’).toArray().concat([]); $(‘#message’).remove(); notifications = new Notifications({‘messages’: messages}); Download: JavaScript Notifications
Presenter V2.2.3 – JavaScript (jQuery)
Plug-in koji simulira animaciju slika kao deka karata. Može biti korišćen za animaciju bilo kog drugog HTML elementa. AJAX je podržan i preporučena je njegova upotreba. Upotreba: $(‘#mylist’).presenter({ site: base_url, AJAX: true, contSld: ‘li’, content: ‘a’ }); Download: jQuery Presenter
Notifications V1.2 – JavaScript (OOP)
Animation plug-in for notifications messaging system on Web application. Animation plug-in is displaying messages in stack order with collapse option. Use of plug-in: messages = $(‘#message ul li’).toArray().concat([]); $(‘#message’).remove(); notifications = new Notifications({‘messages’: messages}); Download: JavaScript Notifications
Presenter V2.2.3 – JavaScript (jQuery)
Plug-in for simulating animation of photos as desk of cards. Could be used for animating any other HTML elements. Use of AJAX is supported and recommended. Use of plug-in: $(‘#mylist’).presenter({ site: base_url, AJAX: true, contSld: ‘li’, content: ‘a’ }); Download: jQuery Presenter
Gallery of memories || Web photo gallery
Written in custom MVC CodeIgniter architecture, with custom jQuery animations.
Galerija uspomena || Web foto galerija
Napisan u osmišljenoj MVC arhitekturi Codeigniter-a, sa specijalnim jQuery animacijama.
Book worm || On-line book store
Fully featured E-commerce project. Built on custom MVC architecture, with object-oriented custom JavaScript (jQuery) and PHP/MySQL.
Knjiški crv || On-line prodavnica knjiga
E-commerce projekat. Napisan na osmišljenoj MVC arhitekturi, sa objektno orjentisanim JavaScriptom i PHPom.